Wednesday, November 2, 2016

AZ-Challenge Game

Hello Game/App Makers! Today, i'll show you a game that i am developing in Bitwin/InOut Studios... It's AZChallenge! A game (not an educative game, ok?) based on the 26(and more) letters of the alphabet... The main history is that you are called to Learnland, to defeat King Eraser and bring the letters back before all the world become dumb... You'll pass trough 26 hard puzzles (just alphabet letters) and save the sketchies all over Azertia Tower (the place you are in)..

You are Drake/Kate and your main enemies are the Erasers... More enemies are also the Pen Sketchies... Your friends are the Pencil Sketchies...

Here down, there's some progress i made on AZC Graphics... I own ALL of these graphics, 'cause i made them... Do not distribute them... Of course they're not the final ones, but you can have just an idea...

Ok, there are the sprites:

THE PENCIL MAN SPRITES (Waiting/Talking/Dying):


THE ERASERS (Waiting/Walking):


  1. Not the final sprites! Do not use on your games... And of course they're not really usable if you don't have my graphic talents 'cause it may look "different"...

  2. Kinda of a.... Indie Touch...!
