Saturday, October 22, 2016

Bitwin and InOut Studios

Become a Bitwinner!

Bitwin Actual Logo

Do you like cool games and apps? Mangas or Animes, too, maybe? If yes, you're lucky! If not you'll start to like it, because this is an AWESOME group that make all of it.

Bitwin Entertainment is an BRAZILIAN group focused on entertainment (really?) but on another types of softwares too.

The first game that will be launched is AZChallenge! I'm helping to code this game... And problably the first software will be the HISTORY TELLER! That one that i posted here before (Oh My, HT is so hard to code...).

They have their own Programming Language too that i'll teach here in the future! It's NovaCode, a language made by InOut Studios with Bitwin!

InOut Studios Actual Logo
InOut Studios is focused only on games and on things focused on games, like History Teller... They, are recruiting some people, if you want to ingress, just send an email to: Bitwin Gmail and you'll be accepted by them or not.

There's an already launched game called Time's Up. Launched, but not launched... It's an DEMO version, of course... It is free and can be found on here:

Have a good day and become a Bitwinner!

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