Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Hello nobody (Actually there's nobody here right now 'cause i created the blog right now...)! This is my first shared project on this blog!!!

It's called HISTORY TELLER! If you have a better name please tell me :\

It's a program made to play your own books on a interactive way! It can be used to Novels, or even Tabletop RPGs (or almost it, 'cause the GM is the PC). The history is only limited by the developer's imagination (and my software coding experience...)!

It's made on Java(Fx) on NetBeans IDE. I'll try record my progress and post on my HenryPK youtube channel. When it's ready, i'll update the post with the link here.

PLACE FOR PLACING THE LINK: ____________________________

Anyway, see ya later, nobody!

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