Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Developing Dreams FIRST POST :D!


Hello! Welcome to my blog YAAAY! :D

Here, you'll find some cool random stuff... I'll share my productions too, like my manga projects, or the games i want to do :D!

I'll share videos on YouTube too, i have two channels: PHDroid (not PhAndroid, ok?) and HenryPK!
I have a Facebook and a Twitter too! Again, HenryPK

First: Feel free to leave as many comments you want but please don't post any "bad" content, ok :D.
Second: If you are a hater. Go away. I hate haters.
Third: You can help me if you want. Giving me ideas, helping me on some hard sprites... Or encouraging me, of course ;) ... So then i'll properly credit you.

HAVE A GOOD DAY (or night, whatever...)!!!!!

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